Bro. Alan continues sharing with us more about the characteristics and benefits of worship.
Join us as Brother Alan continues his series on a born again believer's responsibilities to God.
Join us as Brother Alan shares how to withdraw from worldliness. Our focal passage is from John 3:13-17.
Bro. John Martz, our children's minister, shares with us from Matthew 15 regarding a lifestyle where our actions match our speech.
Bro. Alan discusses the fore-most responsibility as a born again believer.
Bro. Alan reminds us what it means to obey God's Word.
Brother Alan reminds us of the importance of a child and our role in their lives for His ministry.
Join us as Brother Alan brings us the story of Stephen in Acts 6 and 7.
Bro. Chuck shares with us that our confidence should be in God and not in the things of this world. “If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If…